
Archive for the ‘School News’ Category

Pastoral Liaison – Howard Van Dyk

Click below to listen to the podcast:

Howard Van Dyk – The Pastoral Liaison

HCA Rainbow

Categories: School News, Uncategorized

Servants Of The King : The Star Spangled Banner

Last year the HCA’s Servants of the King sang the Star Spangled Banner at a Met’s Game. This was the recording that was sent in for the audition.

HCA Sings the Star Spangled Banner

Categories: School News, Uncategorized

The America Program in 2010

Click Here to View The America Program

The HCA Kindergarten has been consistently performing “The America Program” every year for over 2 decades.  The teachers, support of parents, and staff at HCA truly Honor God and our Christian Founded Country by helping this tradition live on as they teach our little ones “The Way They Should Go”. (Psalm 32:8)

Categories: School News, Uncategorized