New Jersey Christian School Mission

All New Jersey Christian Schools are not alike. When Looking New Jersey Christian Schools it’s important to know, really know, what their missions are before making a decision for you and your children.

Early in the school year, the pastoral liaison of this New Jersey Christian School was invited to speak to the teachers for their orientation. He shared a verse with the teachers that he thought really applies to the teachers and faculty at Hawthorne Christian Academy.

Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

This message was for the Israelites because they were to follow the ancient paths and the good ways. It was Jeremiah’s task as a prophet to go and talk with the Israelites. He came to the Isrealites with those words to challenge them and to ask them to make good choices to look for the ancient paths and the good ways.

As the pastor was speaking this to the teachers he felt like it mirrors the mission of this Christ centered New Jersey Christian School. The teachers and staff are modern day Jeremiahs. They stand at the crossroads. When you send your children to this New Jersey Christian School every day your kids are greeted by modern day Jeremiahs willing to meet them where they are, to teach them reading, writing, arithmetic, to teach them how to play basketball and soccer, how to sing, and teach them of the ancient ways and the good ways and the places to walk.

A Christian school is not perfect. Sometimes Christian Schools have a tremendous pressure to be perfect. However, it’s not about being perfect but about making wise choices. That is where Hawthorne Christian Academy excels. The faculty teaches students how to make wise choices and this is part of the mission of the school when it was founded.

You see, the people who founded the school over 30 years ago made it a mission to find teachers who were led by the Spirit to teach. God has blessed the school with gifted faculty members who earn far less money than the public arena. These are modern missionaries, modern day Jeremiahs in Northern New Jersey, who are willing to stand at the crossroads with our children not only to talk about the good ways and the ancient paths but to model it for them.

This September will be 30 years that this school will be a ministry for the Hawthorne Gospel Church, and the Lord continues to remain faithful. We believe the Lord will continue to bless the school for as long as the school continues to bless Him with their mission, presenting Christ as savior and pursuing him as lord. It is a Christ centered school and Hawthorne Christian Academy makes no apologies about it.

Pastor Jim Bushoven Speaks at Chapel

Categories: Uncategorized

Allegro Handbell Choir performs DANZA -Repost

Danza Performed by The Allegro Handbell Choir

Danza, recorded here, was also performed at the 2010 ACSI Festival/Competition where the Allegro Handbell Choir was awarded 1st place.

Categories: Uncategorized

Mission Experience with Ben Prinz

Mission for Christ

A senior at HCA, Ben Prinz has been serving Christ here and around the world for many years. He shares with us his recent mission trip to Uganda and how God uses us to spread the Good News!

Categories: Uncategorized

From Public School to HCA

8th Grade Student (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN!)

One of our 8th Graders at HCA, enrolled in HCA last year in the middle of 7th grade. She said it is such a blessing and a breath of fresh air to attend a school like HCA!

Podcast Introduction: replay

Categories: Uncategorized

Pastoral Liaison – Howard Van Dyk

Click below to listen to the podcast:

Howard Van Dyk – The Pastoral Liaison

Athletics Department at HCA – Tyler Van Dyk

Click Below to listen to the podcast about the Athletics Department:

Athletics Department at HCA

Head Chaplain – Mike Lamitola

Click below to listen to the podcast:

Head Chaplain

Parent Testimonies – Middle/High School